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Hot Runner Resistors
Hot Runner Resistors
Manifold Heaters can be used in various applications depending on the reliability and versatility in their construction.
Manifold Resistors
Manifold Resistors
Manifold Heaters can be used in various applications depending on the reliability and versatility in their construction.
Hot Runner Control Units
Hot Runner Control Units
Hot Runner Control Unit Device, which is used as a control mechanism in case the temperature rises too high in any situation or falls below the desired temperature, is among the most used control devices today.
Autoclave Resistors
Autoclave Resistors
Autoclave stones serve an important purpose in producing resistance in chemical heaters and similar places.
Ceramic Infrared
Ceramic Infrared
Ceramic infrared heating elements are efficient, durable products that emit long wavelength infrared radiation.
Fan Heaters
Fan Heaters
Snail type fan heaters are compact, efficient and effective heating devices used for many heating applications.
Aluminum Casting Resistors
Aluminum Casting Resistors
Cast aluminum resistors are a special type of heater used in electrical heating applications.
Temperature measurements in automation systems is a very important issue and its importance increases day by day.
Thermal Insulation Jacket
Thermal Insulation Jacket
Plastic Injection and Extruder Insulation Jackets are produced from high temperature resistant materials that we manufacture.
Solder Pot
Solder Pot
A soldering pot is a type of equipment used in soldering operations. A soldering pot is used to melt solder and apply it to a surface.
Heating Cables
Heating Cables
The main areas of use of these heating cables are pipe heating and heat monitoring tools to keep the temperatures of liquids transported through pipes stable in many industrial areas such as thermal power plants and chemical plants.
Heat Treatment Resistance
Heat Treatment Resistance
Industrial Oven Resistances are types of resistances used in heat treatment furnaces, which enable the internal environments of the ovens to be raised to the desired temperature values.
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